Friday, February 8, 2013

What your brain thinks about your weight-loss plan | Balkan Health ...

Posted on Feb 7, 2013 in Lose Weight

By Aaron Price, Certified Hypnotherapist (cand)

First I just want to say it's a real honor writing for I've always been a big fan.

A case study

I had a client last year who drank around 6 liters of soda a day. It took a full hour long session to get him down to 1 liter, and another session to trim off that pesky last 1L and get him exercising regularly. I got a heartfelt thank you letter from him just the other day and it seems the change was permanent.

Like most people, he had tried many many times to cut down and always failed before getting hypnotherapy. His case is not particularly special, I see it all the time. Sometimes it is less extreme, sometimes more.

Part of you obviously wants to get into shape but what if there is another part that is working against you? What if you could supercharge your efforts just by getting your subconscious mind to work WITH you rather than against you?

Here are a few things that have a dramatic effect on your brain.

1) Better Goal Setting

This is not the same as dreaming.


Some psychological factors which might be preventing you from getting fit and some things you can do about it. These are unique insights from a hypnotherapist who helps people get in shape from a mental point of view.
CC image courtesy of Daran Kandasamy

Many people do not really have a goal beyond 'get fit' which is a noble idea but incomplete.

Your goal will continue motivating you with every little step of the way when you can see the percentage of completion steadily growing.

Use the acronym SMART when making goals. It needs to be

  • Specific (what exactly do you want)

  • Measurable (How many pounds/inches/etc.)

  • Attainable (Is it physically possible to attain)

  • Relevant (How important is it to you)

  • Time Bound (Give yourself a deadline)

2) Change Habits the EASY way.

Some people come home from work and plop down on the same couch or computer chair before zoning out for a few hours. Did you know that sitting in the same spot day after day every time you engage in the unhealthy behavior conditions your to do it as soon as you sit down?

When people try to break the T.V. habit they might plop down on the couch and logically tell themselves not to turn it on. But the battle is already lost.

A better way is to find a different chair to sit in. Or stand! Always make sure you have a healthy activity you can use to replace the old habit with or you are setting yourself up to fail. If you are able to remove the usual couch altogether then even better.

The same reasoning applies to any bad habit you might have. Look at the automatic things you do just before the bad habit and change the neutral action instead.

3) Replace Limiting Beliefs with Empowering ones

Do you ever say one of the following:

  • Obesity just runs in my family

  • I'm fat because I've always been fat

  • I don't deserve to be fit

  • I don't have time to exercise

If so, then your subconscious mind will do everything possible to ensure you fail at getting into shape unless you deal with these limiting beliefs.

4) Eliminate Your Fear

Fear of failure and fear of success are silent killers that we often forget about.

Some women are afraid of losing weight because part of them does not want all the new attention from men they might receive, or they worry that other women will start to see them as competition and become hostile. Other people are afraid that any change will drive away their friends. Or make them more vulnerable. Whatever it is, fear is fairly common, but easily dealt with once you discover it and get help with it.

Communicating with those around you can relieve a lot of fear. Especially if you get them on board and actively helping you reach your fitness goals rather than assuming they will stop you.


I hope this has given you something to think about. I'm sure you will be thrilled with the results if you follow the 4 steps.

Aaron Price, Certified Hypnotherapist (cand)

About Aaron Price

Aaron is a certified hypnotherapist who works with the mental/emotional factors contributing to your total health and well-being.


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